Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Really dude....

Of all the days I have ever wanted to throat punch you - today was the worst. YOU....who sits there in your overpriced affliction listening to music all day. You realize your job is to talk on the phone to people right? Maybe you aren't quite grasping the full scope of your job after the full YEAR you have had it. It's ok.

I know you're too busy spraying on your Axe and lotioning your tender little hands to give a shit about anything other than your Bob Marley calendar (Please smoke weed so there is a plausible reason for your behavior) but really man......give me a break. If one more of your pissed off suppliers calls me up and verbally rips my asshole out again because your too damn lazy to check and or return your voicemail's....I really don't even know what I will do.

This is why I chain smoke.....because of people like you. I can't take off and go park behind the other office building like you and get high on my breaks...Yeah, that's right. Maybe don't have a giant ass NFL sticker on your car so you can be less conspicuous while getting lit during your work hours? Nope... not me. I'm stuck to smoking my cigarette angrily in the courtyard. That cheap ass spray isn't fooling anyone!

Just sayin.......


  1. I hope you're not suggesting there is anything wrong with affliction. I don't want to have to kill you and, as a ninja, I've killed for less...

  2. Oh I'm suggesting there is EVERYTHING wrong with it....where do I begin? Let's start here: grown men wearing bedazzeled shirts. Need I say more, need I say more.....
